As the year quickly begins to disappear, it isn’t abnormal to see our New Year’s resolutions also fade into the wind.  Gyms are packed for the first month, then life takes over; the fridge is cleaned out and restocked with healthy, proportioned snacks and meals, then life takes over; a vicious cycle for sure.  As I watched TV last night a commercial caught my eye, the commentator stated that while 99% of us create resolutions at the beginning of every year, 90% of us will also loose sight of those resolutions within 60 days.  This statement got me thinking and questioning, “then why do we even bother to make them?”  Then I thought why do we use such a word as “resolution”? It has such a bad vibe to it, in my opinion it means I have to change something within a certain time frame! Well, maybe I don’t want to change this year (hehe).  Then it struck me!  Everyday that I wake up (praise God) I have list of goals or “things” that I want to accomplish for the day or by the end of the week and for the most part I accomplish them by way of doing tasks.  A very simple process yet, the best part is there is no added stress of a “resolution” on my mind, I just do what I know I need to do.

So I declare today, let’s change the dreaded word “resolution” to “goal(s)” and accomplish our goals by doing our tasks!  No stress, no statistic to fall into, just simply things to do!

Here are some of my “goals” that I will accomplish by doing my “tasks” each week.

Weekly Goals

GOAL: Read my Bible in a year.  TASK: Wake up, get up, read my Bible/daily reading before 6 AM.

GOAL: Lose 35lbs (or more).      TASK (s): Food prep each Sunday, for healthier choices throughout the week, double my intake of fruits and veggies each day,  drink 94 ounces water daily, do not eat after 7PM.

GOAL: Lose 35lbs (or more).      TASK (s): Walk/run daily with my dog no less than 1 mile, exercise daily at work with my awesome boss Amanda.

Monthly Goals

GOAL: Pay off credit card debt.   TASK (s): Take all credit cards out of my purse, pay off each card by using the “SNOWBALL” effect (Dave Ramsey).

GOAL: Take more vacations/time out for my family.  TASK(s):  Set a destination big or small, save appropriately, pick a date and go!

Would you like to join me in claiming your life back, unbound to a word that truly has little to no meaning? I would love to hear what you have planned for 2016.  Lord only knows how much time we truly have left on this beautiful planet and the Lord certainly knows how tired we are of not accomplishing the things we set out to do.  Join me in changing the way we accomplish things in our life and when December 31st rolls in, we will have the feeling of accomplishment on our hearts, not defeat!


As always, be blessed.
